10 Tips to Stay Awake
1.Take Regular Vacations:
.It is a natural stimulant. Just second in water, caffeinated beverages are among the most widely consumed beverages in the world.
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and soda are popular options. Caffeine can also be found in certain foods, such as chocolate.
3.Get a Good Night's Sleep
The best protection against feeling sleepy during the day is getting a good night's sleep. Insomnia is the most common cause of sleepiness.
4.Alternate Your Activities
If you have trouble staying awake, you may find it helpful to change your routine. Dividing large projects into smaller tasks and working shorter, planned explosions can allow you to be more productive.
5.Get Light and Fresh Air
Natural conditions can have a profound effect on our ability to stay awake. For those with circadian rhythm problems or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), timely exposure to natural light, or the use of a lightbox, can be very helpful.
6.Take a Nap
If you are struggling with excessive sleep, the easy rest provided by a nap can recharge your batteries. Studies have shown that getting a little sleep helps improve learning and memory. Many communities incorporate daytime breaks into their daily routines.
7.Have a Snack
8.Exercise and Work
In many cases, you may feel overwhelmed if you simply do a sedentary job. Sitting in a conference room, driving long distances, or working in your cubicle can make you full. It is not uncommon to find yourself drowsy when traveling, cleaning the house, or doing something else, except when you have narcolepsy.
9.Keep the Environment Cool
The last option should be the use of prescription drugs called stimulants. These medications may include Ritalin, Provigil, and Nuvigil.
1 They can be addictive, however, and are not widely used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness.
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